Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_TEMPLATEURL - assumed 'THEM_TEMPLATEURL' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/xlx.pl/s/s/strona-passaty-worldpressss/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 2 Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_LINKCOLOUR - assumed 'THEM_LINKCOLOUR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/xlx.pl/s/s/strona-passaty-worldpressss/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 3 Warning: Use of undefined constant THEM_HOVERCOLOUR - assumed 'THEM_HOVERCOLOUR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/xlx.pl/s/s/strona-passaty-worldpressss/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 4 Warning: Use of undefined constant them_extraCss - assumed 'them_extraCss' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/hosting/prv-hosting/xlx.pl/s/s/strona-passaty-worldpressss/wp-content/themes/blitzy/functions.php on line 242 Historia | Strona o VW Passacie



Nazwa modelu

Nazwa Passat pochodzi od nazwy wiatru morskiego, wiejącego w strefie międzyzwrotnikowej. Model potocznie jest nazywany „pasek”, czasami też żartobliwe nazywany jest „passerati”.

Model Lata produkcji
B1 1973–1981
B2 1980–1988
B3 1988–1993
B4 1993–1996
B5 1996–2005
B6 2005–2010
B7 2010–2014
B8 2014–

Komentowanie wyłączone.